Struggles in the last week


There comes a time in anyone’s life when they feel like they aren’t worth anything. When everything they’ve done so far seems to be for nothing. Everyone around you seems to have it all figured out and making progress while you’re just stuck doing absolutely nothing. Well, this recently happened to me when I was dumbstruck by all the things that people around me – my friends, family – were doing. I felt worthless as if I was running out of time for some reason. I felt the need to do things and do them quickly. This urge, I thought was a good thing.

Turns out it isn’t.

When we feel like we’re running out of time and put ourselves under that kind of pressure when there’s absolutely no need for any of that, it causes more harm than good. Who set deadlines for the things that I’m yet to do? Who got to decide that if I start something now, it’ll be too late? Why should I feel like this is some sort of a race against time?

The answer is simple: The social pressure to ‘fit in’. Well, this pressure is the reason many of us are in jobs we don’t like and this pressure is the reason that many of us still haven’t taken that trip to explore the world because we have ‘commitments’ here. I’ve come to realize that we are fooling ourselves to a great extent by telling all these lies to ourselves. We do not have to do the same things that others do just because it is socially accepted. We do not have to do things at the same time our friends do. We sure as hell don’t have a deadline on our dreams. So, whenever you feel like ‘you’re falling behind’ know that there is no such thing as falling behind.

You have to work hard, sure. But that should come from within and be self motivated. You shouldn’t wanna do something because everyone around you is doing that. It’s not only stupid but also useless and never gets the results you’re hoping for. Worrying about the things that others are doing and worrying about the things that you haven’t done is never gonna change anything. So, get off the worrying boat and go kick some ass.

Stay motivated. Stay focused.